Summer 2024
- An assessment of the validity and reliability of SARS-CoV-2 infection surveillance data from the Canadian Nosocomial Infection Surveillance Program
- Développement professionnel des infirmières en prévention et contrôle des infections: une revue de la portée des formations spécialisées et référentiels de compétences
- Factors associated with the implementation and adoption of point-of-care diagnostic tests to detect antimicrobial resistance: A qualitative study in Quebec, Canada
- Improving infection prevention practices through a novel safety coaches program
- Leveraging modified work program for infection prevention program implementation and professional development
Spring 2024
- A chickenpox outbreak among international students in a post-secondary institution residence in Ontario, Canada
- A summary of reported infection prevention and control assessments conducted in long-term care and retirement homes during COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario, Canada
- Assessing long-term sustainability of a large-scale infection prevention and control routine practice improvement initiative in ambulatory care units located at cancer care centres and acute care hospitals
- Best practices for flexible endoscope high-level disinfection – an integrative review
Winter 2023
- An exploratory study of nurses’ ideas on how to improve compliance with the use of personal protective equipment when caring for patients on additional precautions
- Call for Papers
- Long-term care certification in infection prevention: the time is…now!
- The use of dogs for the detection of infectious diseases; an emerging diagnostic option
Fall 2023
- Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae admission screening practices in Canadian healthcare settings: A cross-sectional survey of respondents working in Canadian hospitals and long-term care facilities (2020)
- Cluster analysis of carbapenemase-producing organisms in Alberta using a geographic information system
- Clusters of Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase with potential links to hand hygiene sink drains in an intensive care unit
- Deployment of canine scent detection for the screening of COVID-19 on pillowcases of residents in a long-term care setting – a pilot study
- Surveillance definitions for infections in Canadian long-term care homes: 2023 update
Summer 2023
- Evolving Education for Infection Prevention and Control Professionals
- Learnings from a rapid spread of COVID-19 in a suburban Canadian hospital
- Surveillance definitions for infections in Canadian long-term care homes: 2023 update
- Understanding resident, family, and caregiver experiences to inform the development of a multimodal hand hygiene program in long-term care
Spring 2023
- AMMI Canada Practice Point: Treatments for adults with COVID-19 in 2021-2022
- Designing an innovative professional development experience to build infection control professionals’ educational expertise
- Evaluation of the accuracy in the application of the Canadian Nosocomial Infection Surveillance Program (CNISP) bloodstream infection surveillance definitions
- The transition of COVID-19 from a pandemic to an endemic disease
Winter 2022
- Developing a competency framework for all staff roles in an infection prevention and control program
- Development of a toolkit for infection surveillance in long-term care
- Knowledge to action: Needs assessment to enhance support for infection control professionals across healthcare settings
- Voluntary asymptomatic rapid antigen testing for COVID-19 in staff of inpatient units of an academic mental health hospital
Fall 2022
- A novel approach for the disinfection of portable medical equipment with ultraviolet light
- Healthcare surfaces and transmission of pathogens: A consensus statement
- Occupational infection control measures and frontline workers’ perceived COVID-19 risk during the fourth wave of the pandemic in Canada: A cross-sectional survey
- The next push in preventing COVID-19 outbreaks due to Omicron in long-term care homes in Canada
Summer 2022
- Hospital-acquired antibiotic-resistant organisms among patients with COVID-19
- Pattern of acquisition of hospital-associated pathogens in the ICU of an academic tertiary care hospital
- Randomized controlled trial of chlorhexidine gluconate, intranasal mupirocin, rifampin, and doxycycline versus chlorhexidine gluconate and intranasal mupirocin alone for the eradication of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) colonization
- The use of N95 respirators in long-term care settings for the care of residents infected with COVID-19
Spring 2022
- Association Between Initial Symptoms and Subsequent Hospitalization in Outpatients with COVID-19: A Cohort Study
- Gratitude for the Infection Prevention and Control Community
- In Vitro Susceptibility of Common Bacterial Pathogens Causing Respiratory Tract Infections in Canada to Lefamulin, a new Pleuromutilin
- POSITION STATEMENT: Infection Control Professionals (ICPs) With Multidisciplinary Backgrounds in Infection Prevention and Control Programs
Winter 2021
- Barriers to infection control routine practices and problem-solving strategies among nursing students and instructors – A cross-sectional survey
- Identification of Candida auris in a foreign repatriated patient to Ontario, Canada and infection control strategies to prevent transmission
- Mass testing for asymptomatic COVID-19 infection among healthcare workers at a large Canadian hospital
- Specimen testing strategy and the challenge in respiratory and enteric outbreak management in long-term care homes – The case of Ontario, Canada
Fall 2021
- A review of infection prevention and control guidelines for dental offices during the COVID-19 pandemic in mid-2020
- Desperate times call for evidence-based measures: Prioritizing science during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Discordant COVID-19 PCR test results and the implications in long-term care
- POSITION STATEMENT: Infection prevention and control program components for long-term care homes
- The PPE spotter role: Supporting best practice in acute and long-term care
Summer 2021
- Epidemiology of viral respiratory infections and preventative measures in high-acuity units
- Improving patient, family, and visitor hand hygiene on a paediatric oncology/hematology/bone marrow transplant unit
- Knowledge to action: Needs assessment to enhance support for infection control professionals across healthcare settings
- Neonatal intensive care unit hand hygiene: Exploring current practice and adherence barriers in a Canadian hospital
- Public health and human rights during a pandemic – An unresolved dilemma concerning mandatory vaccination against COVID-19 for healthcare workers
Spring 2021
- Can the use of assistive technology and interactive therapeutic robots in nursing homes contribute to the spread of infectious disease?
- Estimating the extent of asymptomatic COVID-19 and its potential for community transmission: Systematic review and meta-analysis
- Infection prevention and control in long-term care: Lessons learned from COVID-19 outbreaks and future perspectives
- Intra and interspecies interaction between mass confined animals and their handlers – an ideal reservoir for Coronavirus evolution
- Person-to-person transmission of microbes in a nursing home serving patients in a persistent vegetative state
Winter 2020
Fall 2020
- Case Report – Possible Manufacturing Workplace Transmission of COVID-19
- Practice Recommendations for Handling of Expressed Human Milk in Healthcare Facilities
- The financial impact of improved hand hygiene on healthcare-associated infections in the UK
- The pitfalls of mass hospital healthcare worker testing for COVID-19
Summer 2020
- Handwash versus hand-rub practices for preventing nosocomial infection in hospital intensive care units: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- La déviance positive : faire autrement pour améliorer l’hygiène des mains des infirmières
- POSITION STATEMENT: Essential Oils in Healthcare Settings
- Publication During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Spring 2020
- A novel imaging system for rapid visualization of bacteria on surfaces
- An evaluation of conventional cleaning and disinfection and electrostatic disinfectant spraying in K-12 schools
- Influenza and norovirus outbreaks in an inpatient mental health setting: Analysis and strategies for successful containment
- Practice Recommendations for Infection Prevention and Control Related to Foot Care in Healthcare Settings